10 most popular posts of 2011

TOP 10 posts of 2011

Though this blog is just half a year old, the New Year festivities seemed a perfect opportunity to have a look at our most popular posts during this busy 6 months.

So here is a list of our TOP 10 posts

Number one with 2453 hits: The ePublishers Rated List It seems that, despite all the noise around self-publishing, we are still keeping a close eye on publishing our books with a publisher…

Number two with 2342 hits: Avoid Getting Banned from Amazon Part 1
This of course is paramount for both self-published, Indie and mainstream authors…

Number three with 1871 hits: Avoid Getting Banned from Amazon Part 2
Yup! It is so important that it gets both second and third place!

Number 4: Humor – Writers’ priorities 

Number 5: Amazon Brand of Censorship

Number 6: Our Book reviewers 

Number 7: Practical Steps to Promote your book – Interview of Terri Giulano

Number 8: Humor – How to answer a rejection letter 

Number 9: New Statistics about the Publishing Industry 

Number 10: Promoting vs Marketing a book – the Promotion Stages Part 1 
Followed closely by the subsequent parts. Actually, if considering the six part of that entire article as a single post, it would jump high above the 1st place.

So, what do we seem mainly interested into:

Hope, characterized by looking for publishers, ways to promote our books an to get them reviewed,  fear, as in avoiding the dreaded ban from Amazon,  and laughter, to combat fear with a smile or laugh at ourselves, all seasoned with a pinch of statistical  knowledge… This seems a perfect way to embark onto 2012. Hope for the best, face your fears and laugh a lot, but still stay informed!

Happy New Year!!!