Champagne Books
Champagne Books
Evaluated on 24th of July 2011 – Updated August 2019
Without more information about their standard contract, evaluation is very partial. Authors express joy at signing up for a sequel or a second book, which is encouraging.
A. Genres:
Romance – no erotica
B. Service offered
1. Editing: No data
2. Book cover: No data
3. Formatting: No data
4. ISBN: No data
5. Marketing: No data
6. Affiliates: No data
7. Distribution: No data
C. Terms and Conditions
1. Advances: No data
2. Royalties: For digital downloads: 50% of download price on readable digital formats sold on the publisher’s website, 40% net when sold on other websites, 35% of the net proceeds of audiobooks,
For Print purchase: 25% of purchases from the publisher’s website, 20% os purchases from other outlets.
3. Copyrights granted: All publishing rights
4. Length of Contract: No data
D. Credibility
1. Age: Since 2004
2. Catalog: Too many to count
3. Alexa Rating: 4.9 M – 7.5M at Update August 2019
E. Social Media
1. Forum: No
2. Blog: Yes, but not very active
3. Book Club: No
4. Twitter: 258 followers, active Update August 2019 – 1285 followers – active
5. FaceBook: 133 fans, low level of activity – Update August 2019 – 904 fans – active
Overal rating – Not enough Data
B: No data
C: No data
D: 5 stars
E: 2+stars
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