20 additional book promoting sites – part 2
20 additional book promoting sites – part 2
Continued from 20 additional book promoting sites – part 1 For more resources, see our 40 book promoting sites list.
- Kindle Daily Deal: “Let’s get the word out about your wonderful books on Kindle to my 13,000+ followers. I am a fellow author and I’d love to help promote your books. I enjoy reading as much as writing and feel it’s important to support my friends. Currently, this service is FREE to you, but in return for adding your book(s), I’m hoping you reciprocate by buying my latest book containing funny essays about relationships…” […]
- Kindle Fire Department: For authors, our Book of the Day sponsorships appear at 10 am. As an added bonus, authors who have placed sponsorships with us also get first preference when it comes to featuring free books. How to submit your media for a sponsorship:
First, check to make sure your media fits the following criteria:
Books must have at least 3 reviews.
Then, submit a payment for the sponsorship of $75 using the Paypal Button below […] - Masquerade Crew: If you are wanting to include your book in our Scroller Ad, please fill out the form, even if you are interested in a future month. The order in which I receive these orders will help determine the overall order of clients, though other factors play a part, such as if and when donations are received to pay for the ad. […]
- Free Kindle Books & Tips: “If you are an author and would like to have your book promoted (for free) on our site, please fill out the form below: your book must be free in the Amazon Kindle Store and must have an average user rating of at least 4 out of 5 stars for consideration. Please note each book submitted cannot be promoted due to space limitations on a particular day, but if your book is selected we will contact you at the email address you provide below.” […]
- Free eBooks Daily: “I love to hear from authors and readers! If you have a comment, suggestion, or free ebook you would like listed or if you just want to say hello, feel free to send me an email.” […]
- Free Erotica: “This form is for erotic eBook submissions, ONLY. If you have more than one book to promote, fill out the form separately for each book. – If you have not scheduled all of your free dates, feel free to come back again and fill out the form. – Please give me at least two days advanced notice.” […]
- GalleyCat Facebook Page: You can post your book in our New Books section, an easy way to share your book with our readers. […]
- Indie Books List: “If you submit an excerpt with less than 1,500 words, we will delete it. Due to the high number of submissions we receive, we may not have time to email every person who submits a shorter excerpt to ask for another one. Please – look at your word count before uploading. If you would like to be considered for both Indie Books List, and Only Romance…you must submit using each site’s submission form. There are now two separate submission forms when there used to be just one.” […]
- Pixel of Ink: “If your book will be listed as Free ($0.00) on Amazon.com in the next 30 days, then please let us know by filling out the form below. Pixel of Ink may attempt to feature your book on the day it is free, time and space permitting. […]
- Spicy Romance: Fill out the submission form, send a 600 to 3,000 words excerpt and a cover image. […]
- Your book Authors: To get started, simply click the button below and complete the one-time payment of 1.99. Pay with Paypal or a credit card. After payment, you will be redirected to the registration page. If you have any trouble registering, you will also receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in the confirmation email to register. Please check your spam filter if you do not see the email within a few minutes.
And of course, you may advertize with us.