40 Book Promoting Sites – Part 1

40 Book Promoting Sites – Part 1


When publishing a book, the key to success is promotion and distribution. Both are meant to give books as much exposure as possible. In order to gain time, it is best to know where to find opportunities to gain exposure easily. This is why we are now creating a list of websites offering  book promotion opportunities.

In the coming weeks, each Tuesday will be devoted to 5 book promoting sites with a short profile of each site.

In addition to the book promoting sites on the list, advertisement space is available on this blog.


Alexa Ranking gives an idea of the site competitiveness on the Internet, the lower the ranking number, the better the site, no rank means the website’s popularity is so low that it does not register.

Estimated monthly traffic is based on an average of various sites monitoring traffic on the web and is only given as an indication.

Alexa ranking: around 10 000
Estimated monthly traffic: 10-15k

Online reading community built by readers for readers allowing you to shelve, find and share books.

Alexa ranking: No rank
Estimated monthly traffic: below 1k

Seems to have discontinued its services

Alexa ranking: around 80 000
Estimated monthly traffic: below 1k

Book Directory for French books

Alexa ranking: More than 5M
Estimated monthly traffic: below 1k

Forum about books

Offers: profile with books appearing in signature, list of favorite and wished books.

Alexa ranking:  Below 4 M
Estimated monthly traffic: below 1k

Book Directory
Offers :
Free Listing : a 60 words description and 5 keywords per book
Premium listing : $19.95/year –  120 words description and space for book reviews

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