40 Book Promoting Sites – Part 2
40 Book Promoting Sites – Part 2
When publishing a book, the key to success is promotion and distribution. Both are meant to give books as much exposure as possible. In order to gain time, it is best to know where to find opportunities to gain exposure easily. This is why we are now creating a list of websites offering book promotion opportunities.
For the second consecutive week, coming weeks, Tuesday is devoted to 5 book promoting sites with a short profile of each site. We included discontinued sites as they appear on other list and including them is meant to prevent wasted time checking them out.
In addition to the book promoting sites on the list, advertisement space is available on this blog.
Discontinued or apparently dead sites are indicated as buying the domain name and resurrecting the site might give a booster to building organic traffic since they are already ranked by different ranking authorities and domain age is an important factor that weighs in Google and other search engine algorithms.
Alexa Ranking gives an idea of the site competitiveness on the Internet, the lower the ranking number, the better the site, no rank means the website’s popularity is so low that it does not register.
Estimated monthly traffic is based on an average of various sites monitoring traffic on the web and is only given as an indication.
Alexa ranking: Below 150 k
Estimated monthly traffic: around 15k
From Harper Collins. Enables: joining the forum, uploading books and posting reviews
Alexa ranking: no rank
Estimated monthly traffic: none
Appears discontinued, domain name for sale
Alexa ranking: Below 100 000
Estimated monthly traffic: Close to 100k
Enables you to:
Publish, tag, and share your writing globally
Upload mp3 audio versions of your work.
Read and listen to the work of other writers from around the world.
Receive comments and interact with readers
Develop a fanbase
Get noticed and promote yourself and your writing