Humor for Writers – Writing Deadlines and Viruses
Humor for Writers – Writing Deadlines and Viruses
By Patricia de Hemricourt
Determined to work in a writing job, John Storywriter worked as a content writer for three different sites. One was all about techie stuff on the Internet, the second one about New Age consideration about Good and Evil and the third one about medical topics.
One day, John was tired and behind on deadlines, so he decided to write the same post for the three sites to gain time.
The next days, all his readers without exception wondered what was going on as they read John’s post.
To go Viral Without a Virus
Both viruses and ‘going viral’ are infectious, yet one is potentially lethal while the other one brings fame – and sometimes fortune, or misfortune, as it goes…
Viruses never go viral, no matter how good they are at breaking through firewalls; they just infect your computer.
Viral posts travel through friends and family, viruses through bits and bites.
Since viral is good and virus is bad, the only possible conclusion is that Evil is technological, not human…
Copyright of Patricia de Hemricourt – ©PatriciadeHemricourt 2011 All rights reserved