Romance at Heart Publications
Romance at Heart Publications
Evaluated 7th of September 2011
Brand new publishing house, seemingly very active and keen on developing distribution and marketing channels. To be followed…
A. Genres:
Romantic and erotic fiction for women : Contemporary, Fantasy, Futuristic, General, Historical, Paranormal, Regency, Romantic Suspense, Sci-Fi, Time-Travel
B. Service offered
1. Editing: No Data
2. Book cover: No Data
3. Formatting: No Data
4. ISBN: No Data
5. Marketing: Yes
6. Affiliates: No Data
7. Distribution: Yes
C. Terms and Conditions
1. Advances: No Data
2. Royalties: No Data
3. Copyrights granted: No Data
4. Length of Contract: No Data
D. Credibility
1. Age: May 2011
2. Catalog: 35 books
3. Alexa Rating: 28 M
E. Social Media
1. Forum: Yes, very active
2. Blog: Yes
3. Book Club: No
4. Twitter: 1 follower, beginning activity
5. FaceBook: 27 fans, last post June 30 2011
Overall Rating: Only a few months old, so too early to rate.
B: No Data
C: No Data
D: Too early
E: 3/4 Stars
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