Escape Collective Publishing

Escape Collective Publishing
Evaluated 16th of October 2011- updated 25th of October as per comment below

Brand new publisher, publishes anthologies. Worth exploring

A. Genres:

Fantasy, Science Fiction (Non-Hard), Mystery, Thrillers, Horror, Romance, Young Adult, Speculative Fiction, Anything absolutely amazing in any combination of the previous genres (p[lease see comment below)

B. Service offered

1. Editing: Yes
2. Book cover: Yes
3. Formatting: Yes
4. ISBN:  Yes
5. Marketing: Yes
6. Affiliates: No Data
7. Distribution: No Data

C. Terms and Conditions

1. Advances: No
2. Royalties: 50% of net (unconfirmed)
3. Copyrights granted: No Data
4. Length of Contract: No Data

D. Credibility

1. Age: 2011
2. Catalog: seems like 2 books only, one of them an anthology
3. Alexa Rating: No Rank

E. Social Media

1. Forum: No
2. Blog: Yes
3. Book Club: No
4. Twitter: 186 followers, active
5. FaceBook: 45 fans, active


Overall Rating: fair, worth following as very new. Future will tell.
B:  3/4 stars pending more data on editing quality
C:  Not enough data
D:  1 Stars
E:  1 Stars