Book Review – The Good, the Bad, and the Undead by Kim Harrison
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead by Kim Harrison
Review by Alexius White
One of the main things I liked about the novel is that it is actually an urban fantasy alternate history series. There is a complete sub history in the series dating back to the discovery of the DNA double-helix, which is known as the Turn. Ever since then Inderlanders (non-humans) live side-by-side with the humans. The second thing I like about the novel is the clear divide between humans and Inderlanders. There are two police forces. The I.S. deals with Inderlander problems. Inderlanders are vampires, witches, pixy, etc. The Inderlander Security (I.S.) service is made up of entirely of non-humans. The Ferderal Inderlander Bureau, FIB deals with everything else. The Ferderal Inderlander Bureau is members are normal humans. The FIB has replaced the law enforcement agencies at all levels. Inderlanders can’t be FIB agents, but they can be consulates. Another divided is that humans live inCincinnatiwith the Inderlander living in the Hollows; except for demons. Demons live in the Ever-After which is actually not a good place to be after all. If a human gets trapped in the Ever-After then there is a good chance he/she won’t be coming home. The third thing I like about the novel was the different levels of magic in the series. There is Earth magic which can alter one’s physical appearance or shape through charms. The effects are permanent unless doused in saltwater. Another form of magic is Ley line magic which has less permanence than earth magic, but is much faster and more easily adaptable. Power can be drawn directly from a ley line or through an animal familiar.
One of few things I didn’t like about the novel is that Rachel somehow doesn’t realize the cause and effect rule. When she does something she doesn’t see how it can come back on her. The second thing I didn’t like, rather I thought it was odd, that Rachel and Trent are able to become friends or at least call a truths at the end of the novel. The reason this is odd is because throw out the first part of the novel Rachel is trying to putTrentbehind bars for murder. I just can’t see them being friends.
Over all I really liked this novel and can’t wait to read the others. There wasn’t a lot about the novel I didn’t like. There is a lot of story lines from this novel I am interested in seeing play out in the other novels. I gave the novel four stars.