Humor for Writers – The Writer’s Mother and Stepmother
Humor for Writers – The Writer’s Mother and Stepmother
Sadie and Rose were sitting under hair dryers at the hairdresser having a chat.
Sadie says, “So nu, Rose, how’s that daughter of yours? Still writing?”
Rose replies, “She’s OK thanks. She married a fantastic man who is doing everything he can so she has time to write. He’s got such a good job in the City that she gave up her secretary’s job. She stays at home but never needs to cook, because he always takes her out, or clean the house, because he got her a maid, or worry about my 2 lovely grandchildren, because he got her a live-in nanny.”
Sadie then asks, “And how’s your son?”
Rose replies, “His life is awful. He married a bitch from hell. She spends her days writing stories she will never sell, never cooks anything and makes him take her out to dinner every night. God forbid she should vacuum a carpet, so she made him get her a maid. He has to work like a dog because she refuses to get a job and she never takes care of my grandson because she made him get her a nanny.”