About the Blogger
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I live in a world where reality occasionally intrudes, but not too often. Until recently, my entire ability to handle the real world was devoted to my children. Then two things happened:
My youngest child turned 18, officially becoming an adult, and my agent retired, so my books had to find a new parent to bring them to the world.
Without him, my books have lost even the slightest chance of ever finding a publisher. By the time I find a new agent, they will be wheezing from breathing dust and by the time this elusive publisher actually publishes the book, they will have choked.
Yet, all hopes is not lost.
The fast growing popularity of ebooks and fast shrinking stigma against self published book mean I can actually bring them to the world all on my own.
This is why you are reading this.
Am no geek but am learning, partly through obsessively googling all I can lay my eyes on about Kindle, Barnes and Nobles and other potential self-publishing outlets.
The one thing I did not find though, is a blog or a website documenting step by step how to do to actually move your book from your computer’s “drawer” onto the publisher’s virtual shelves.
So this is what this blog is about. And about other topics revolving around epublishing. Of course, when my book will be available on line, you will be the first ones to know . Look out for the name Patricia de Hemricourt in a few weeks and you will find my book.