AKW Books


AKW Books (Discontinued)
Evaluated on 9th of July 2011
Updated 10th of November following mail from Publisher

Updated July 2019 – appears Discontinued

With no editorial policy and no publishing services other than a place on their website, this seems like a fairly poor option, as all the work is done by the author and they simply cash in 50% of the author writing and marketing abilities.

The seemingly fair Terms and Conditions are offset by the total lack of support to the authors

A. Genres : All except Porn and Erotica

B. Service offered

  1. Editing: Yes
  2. Book cover: Yes
  3. Formatting: Yes
  4. ISBN: No Data
  5. Marketing: On-site only
  6. Affiliates: No
  7. Distribution: Yes

C. Terms and Conditions

  1. Advances: No
  2. Royalties: 50% of list price on-site
  3. Copyrights granted: Electronic rights worldwide
  4. Length of Contract: 6 months

D. Credibility

  1. Age: Since 2007
  2. Catalog: Good
  3. Alexa Rating: below 6M on 9th July 2011

E. Social Media

  1. Forum: No
  2. Blog: Yes – but only to help authors market their own book
  3. Book Club: Yes
  4. Twitter: Yes but inactive
  5. FaceBook: Yes but inactive

Overall rating – Fair


B = 3/4 stars

C = 4 stars

D = 3 stars

E =  1 stars

Overall rating – Fair

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