Amber Quill Press
Amber Quill Press
Evaluated on 9th of July 2011
Though they provide next to no information about their services to writers or their Terms and Conditions, this is easily explained by their policy of accepting submission only from invitation, and rejecting all unsolicited mail and query letter without opening them.
A. Genre: Erotica
B. Service offered
- Editing: Not specified
- Book cover: Not specified
- Formatting: Not specified
- ISBN: Not specified
- Marketing: Yes
- Affiliates: No
- Distribution: Yes
C. Terms and Conditions
- Advances: Not specified
- Royalties: Not specified
- Copyrights granted: Not specified
- Length of Contract: Not specified
D. Credibility
- Age: Since 2002
- Catalog: Limited to the advertised genre – Long list of title well organized by sub-categories
- Alexa Rating: 825 066 on 9th of July 2011
E. Social Media
- Forum: No
- Blog: Yes (Last blog post in 2015 -July 2019)
- Book Club: No
- Twitter: created in June 2008, 801 followers, tweeting history irregular (Account closed – July 2019)
- FaceBook: 4430 fans Active page (page deactivated -July 2019)
Overall rating – Good. But they never accept unsolicited submissions.
B -= Not enough Data
C = No data
D = 4 Stars
E = 4 Stars