Announcing Winner of Flash Fiction Competition
We are delighted and honored to name our first epublishabook.com flash fiction competition winner.
The winner is Misty Dyan Batson with “Saturday Morning”.
Misty is a published Author. Her book, “A letter while I am away” will be reviewed on the site this week, as well as Misty’s bio.
Congratulations Misty and thanks to all that entered!
The Judges were Roy Weltman ,a flash fiction published writer, and Patricia de Hemricourt, the blogger.
Enjoy reading the winning entry below:
Saturday morning
When I was five, she was four. She followed me everywhere I went. Mom called us ragamuffins, she called us Raggedy Anns‘. Mom pulled red licorice from the sweets garden in the ceiling next to the light in the kitchen, we believed in that garden for years.
When I was four, she was three. We wanted to see who could get to the bottom the fastest and she took a short cut. She climbed through the spaces between the stairs and jumped; but I got to the bottom first.
She dangled there, her arms were limp, she was swinging, she was quiet. Her pink hood lined with pink fur covered her face. Mom couldn’t understand what I was trying to say, “She’s hanging Momma” Mom ran.
She found her there, dangling. I never saw Mom’s skin that color, her face was transparent like Chinese rice paper, I could see Mom’s blood pumping through her throat, like a beautiful fish trying to breathe air.
She pushed her back up through that tiny hole, carried her to the kitchen and lay her on the dinner table. She opened her eyes and asked for me, then she smiled and asked for more licorice.
Mom cried hysterically through a full lipped red smile. I have never seen anything more beautiful.