Belgrave House eBooks
Belgrave House eBooks
Evaluated on the 17th of July 2011
Updated July 2019 – Appears Discontinued
They specialize in reissuing back prints of previously published authors. So basically, they simply piggy ride the previous success of published authors and cash in of 50% of the royalties simply for providing an electronic address for a book to amateurs of the genre.
Though their mailing list of readers interested in that genre might give a booster to the author, and the author might be found there by amateurs of the genre, the other services provided are minimal.
A. Genres
Women’s fiction, mysteries, contemporary and historical romance
B. Service offered
1. Editing: No
2. Book cover: No
3. Formatting: Yes
4. ISBN: No data
5. Marketing: On-site only
6. Affiliates: No
7. Distribution: Through additional distributors as well
C. Terms and Conditions
1. Advances: No data
2. Royalties: 50%
3. Copyrights granted: Electronic rights only
4. Length of Contract: 10 years with $100 fee to pay for the administrative cost in case the author wishes to cancel the contract within 6 months after signature.
D. Credibility
1. Age: Since 1997
2. Catalog: Rich catalog
3. Alexa Rating: 8.1M
E. Social Media
1. Forum: No
2. Blog: No
3. Book Club: No, but they have a mailing list
4. Twitter: No
5. FaceBook: No
Overall – Fair
B: 2 stars
C: 3 stars
D: 4 stars
E: 1 star