#BookPromotion Opportunity for Authors
Book Promotion Opportunity for Authors
Guest Post by Eri Nelson
Hi, my name is Eri Nelson. I have the privilege to be the creator of an online magazine called “Supporting Authors One Read At A Time Magazine”. Being an author myself has open my eyes to the difficulty in promoting yourself to readers. With all the avenues out there, I was hoping to embrace one that would not only promote one to two chosen authors but perhaps a whole network of authors. It was and is important to me to keep this type of venue free to all who wish to be involved and free to read.
Why keep it free? When you are starting out as a first time author, your first acknowledgment is how a limited budget does not go very far as to advertising. Riches and fames are wonderful however it is not all ways the start to many a writer. Often success for an author is based on an enjoyable read. Therefore, it was with this thought that I wanted to keep this magazine free to be a part of and free to read. Our main purpose is to support authors if we are able to do that while promoting each other’s work then we have earned a much greater reward.
When the idea first came to me in October 2011, it was in a blog format where we highlighted two authors in a Q & A layout once a month. This was to be shared within a network of authors whom post the same blog or their variation on the two highlighted authors within their individual blogs/websites. Admittedly, this is up to their discretion as to when they chose to post the Q & A’s from both authors. The only requirement is that it must be within designated month in which to post.
Later that October I was offered a chance to be mentioned in Night Owl Book Lovers online magazine. Which was based through an amazing site call ISSUU. This opportunity gave me an idea in which to highlight more authors outside the typical Q & A. However, we still highlight two authors within our network a month course now we take it a tad farther. With the help of over fifty authors, we have the greatest privilege to showcase short stories, informative articles, book reviews, book blurbs, and ads that link to where you can buy a number of your favorite author’s books.
Our last month’s issue, November 2011, I am very proud to say is still increasing in views. On my last check, it had 3752 views. We would be very proud to pass that on to all of you, Currently our December 2011, the Holy Jolly issue has reached 819 views as of December 13, 2011.
Thank you so much for this distinct privilege to proudly display all our authors within the “Supporting Authors One Read At A Time Magazine”. Our blog that serves as our bookshelf/magazine rack is a great place to follow all the blogs within the network. We are always eager to welcome all new coming authors so please check us out and if you are interested feel free to fill out the form on our site. Or you can contact me directly at dearhart@dearharts.com.