Book Promotion Tips – Measuring Your Social Media Campaign Effectiveness
Book Promotion Tips – Measuring Your Social Media Campaign Effectiveness
By Patricia de Hemricourt
If you are serious about promoting your book, social media platforms are tools you use extensively.
Yet, in the current ever-changing world, what worked wonders yesterday might have become useless today. So it is essential to keep track of the effectiveness of the action taken.
For writers, whose marketing time comes at the expenses of writing time, ensuring that marketing efforts are still on target is not a luxury. It might make the difference between having to choose between becoming a marketer with little impact and no time to write and being a writer whose limited marketing effort bring enough readers to generate income and become a full-time writer.
So here below are a few Social Media Metrics to keep track off.
Top 5 Social Media Metrics that Matter (via http://bosmol.com)
Social mediahas become extremely popular and continues to thrive, so making sure that you read and understand your social media metrics is very important. You will be able to know about all aspects of your social media campaigns and check whether they…