#BookReview of #FreeBook “The Life of Tofu” by Maxim Ginsburg on Ourboox
Book Review of Free Book “The Life of Tofu” by Maxim Ginsburg on Ourboox
The Life of Tofu by Maxim Ginsburg is a delightful illustrated story retracing the peregrinations of Tofu, who wanted to be eaten.
The transformation Tofu goes trough in his search to become more attractive, his attempt to become something he is not in order to be accepted and wanted and the book’s ending are a classic.
Published on Ourboox, the new book creating and sharing platform, the book is entirely free and can be shared with all. As soon as Ourboox finalizes its current coding of printing program, it will be available on Print On Demand. In the meantime, it can be read online in digital format. (Please note that the mobile version is still under work and might suffer from glitches on tablets and smartphones – be patient, Ourboox launched the open Beta a mere month ago, and welcome all feedback on its Community Board so feel free to report any discomfort when reading or anything you would like to see on the platform in the future, the team is hungry for your comments and suggestions.)