Books of Desire Publishing
Books of Desire Publishing
Evaluated on 24th of July 2011
Updated July 2019 – Discontinued
Website down from 24 to 29 of July, and no answer to query. This is a new website, so it is not a good sign. If you see it is back online, kindly signal it in the comment so we can update this entry.
They ask for a 3 years contract, a serious gamble with such a new ePublishing house, so we recommend studying exit clause closely. This being said, one of their authors made it to mobipocket bestseller Nr2 in July. Not bad for a four month old epublisher.
A. Genres:
Soft erotica romance – no hard core, no porn
B. Service offered
1. Editing: Yes
2. Book cover: Yes
3. Formatting: Yes
4. ISBN: Yes
5. Marketing: No Data
6. Affiliates: No, but they use Smashwords affiliate program
7. Distribution: Other outlets
C. Terms and Conditions
1. Advances: No
2. Royalties: No Data
3. Copyrights granted: Exclusive electronic rights worldwide in the English language only
4. Length of Contract: 3 years
D. Credibility
1. Age: Since April 2011
2. Catalog: 49 books (4 month after opening)
3. Alexa Rating: 22M
E. Social Media
1. Forum: Website currently down
2. Blog: Website currently down
3. Book Club: Website currently down
4. Twitter: 5 followers, 2 tweets – new account since May 2011
5. FaceBook: Personal profile with 5 friends, no Facebook Page
Overall – Fair/Good – pending data on Royalty %age and considering they are very new
B: 4 stars
C: 1 star pending additional data
D: 2 stars due to very recent opening
E: 2 stars pending website coming back up