Category: Humor
Sundays are days off, so best start them with a smile :-)
Contact us to share your humor with us, all credits given to published guests.
Humor – Chinese Talk
Tasty smiles, made of apple, peanut butter and marshmallows. Toast them for Halloween look 🙂 That was a pre-Halloween tip 🙂 And if you want […]
Humor – Rescue Mission
Rescue Mission At the “Human Studies” section of anthropology department ion the planet of Trafalmagor, students are debating which rescue mission for humans victims of repression due to their cultural […]
More Idiosyncrasies of the English Language
The bandage was wound around the wound. The farm was used to produce produce. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. We must polish the […]
Computer turned writer!
Well, as if there was not enough competition out there to compete against in the quest for readership, computers now are vying for a place to generate humor, of all […]
Humor for Writers – Shorted!
Humor for Writers – Shorted! By Patricia de Hemricourt In 2021, the New York mayor, worried about dwindling natality rates in his city, decides to strike a big coup and […]