Children Book Writers And Illustrators, This Is For YOU!

Children book writers and illustratorsChildren Book Writers And Illustrators, This Is For YOU!

By Patricia de Hemricourt

Children book writers and illustrators live in different worlds and finding the right partner to produce a book is a long winding road littered with obstacles. Yet, luckily for us, there are wonderful people out there who put their writing career on hold to solve that problem and bring writers and illustrators together.

I recently met with Mel Rosenberg, a children writer among many other talents, who decided to create a platform enabling children book writers and illustrators to easily see each other’s work. That is not all his platform does, it also provides a tool that enables creating a fully illustrated book in a few clicks.

As with all projects in the making, specifics are not yet fixed and it is up to us to enable Mel and his team to give us the tool we always dreamed of. This is Mel’s invitation for you to join

By September 27th we plan to launch a closed beta of our website which will embrace a community of writers and illustrators who want to make books come true together. The community will also enable us to interact with readers, translators, editors, animators and anyone who is willing to help us do the best work we can. The community will have access to a unique platform which enables texts to turn, almost automatically into books which can be illustrated, revised and printed on demand. We are eager to establish an early bird community of writers and illustrators who will have access to the closed beta, and are asking anyone interested to leave their e-mail at the landing page of

Listen to the passion Mel has for this project

Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity and sign up now!

I’ll meet you there soon!