Club Lighthouse Publishing
Club Lighthouse Publishing
Evaluated 30th of July 2011
Updated August 2019 – Still Active
Seems to be a rather active publishing house, and they claim to take an active part in marketing, both on-site and out-site. Most of their staff are also writers, and publish there.
A. Genres:
FICTION General Erotica, Fantasy, Historical, Horror, LGBT Fiction, Mystery, Poetry, Romance, Contemporary : Ennoble, Historical, Inspirational, Nostalgia; New Age, Paranormal, Satire, Science Fiction, Thriller, Young Adult
NON-FICTION Autobiography, Biography, Memoirs, Cook Books, Pets & Animals, Self Help & How To, Spirituality: New Age, Traditional
B. Service offered
1. Editing: Yes
2. Book cover: Yes
3. Formatting: Yes
4. ISBN: No Data
5. Marketing: Yes
6. Affiliates: No
7. Distribution: Yes
C. Terms and Conditions
1. Advances: No
2. Royalties: 40% for on-site sales, 35% of retail price minus costs for third site sales.
3. Copyrights granted: All electronic rights
4. Length of Contract: 3 years
D. Credibility
1. Age: Since 2006
2. Catalog: 80 authors (August 2019 update – too many to count)
3. Alexa Rating: 6.3 M (August 2019 update – below the minimum to be rated)
E. Social Media
1. Forum: No
2. Blog: No
3. Book Club: No
4. Twitter: button to twitter on site but link broken (August 2019 update -no account)
5. FaceBook: 22 fans, inactive since October 2010 (August 2019 update -634 fans – moderately active)
Overall Rating : Good
B: 4 Stars
C: 3 Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 0 Stars