Crossed Genres
Crossed Genres
Evaluated 2nd of October 2011
Updated August 2019 – Still active
Small publisher running a magazine and anthologies. Reopened for novels submission last April.
(Update August 2019 – last submission round ended June 2019)
A. Genres:
Science Fiction and Fantasy
B. Service offered
1. Editing: No Data
2. Book cover: No Data
3. Formatting: No Data
4. ISBN: No Data
5. Marketing: No Data
6. Affiliates: No
7. Distribution: No Data
C. Terms and Conditions
1. Advances: $250 (unconfirmed) or $10 flat payment for contribution in the magazine – (Update August 2019 – last available info is from July 2018 and indicates 6 cents per words for published stories. The message board on the submission page indicates that they rely on crowdfunding to publish their latest anthology.)
2. Royalties: 25-30% on ebook – 10% on print (unconfirmed)
3. Copyrights granted: No Data
4. Length of Contract: No Data
D. Credibility
1. Age: 2008
2. Catalog: less than 10
3. Alexa Rating: 1.8M (August 2019: 6.5 M)
E. Social Media
1. Forum: No
2. Blog: Yes
3. Book Club: No but newsletter
4. Twitter: 854 followers, active (August 2019 update – 4094 followers – active)
5. FaceBook: 133 fans, inactive – (August 2019 update- 132 fans – active only to gather submissions)
Overall Rating: Not enough Data – might be relevant for publishing in anthology or magazine
B: NoData
C: Not enough Data
D: 2/3Stars
E: 1/2 Stars