Dark Continents Publishing
Dark Continents Publishing
Evaluated 9th of October 2011
Updated August 2019 – Appears discontinued
Open for submission in June 2011 for the first time, so very young publishing house, reopens for submissions in March 2012; hopefully more data will be available by then.
August 2019 update – no sign of life since 2010
A. Genres:
Dark Speculative Fiction writers
B. Service offered
1. Editing: No Data
2. Book cover: No Data
3. Formatting: No Data
4. ISBN: No Data
5. Marketing: No Data
6. Affiliates: No Data
7. Distribution: No Data
C. Terms and Conditions
1. Advances: No Data
2. Royalties: print 20%; eBook/audio 50% (both of gross – unconfirmed)
3. Copyrights granted: No Data
4. Length of Contract: No Data
D. Credibility
1. Age: 2010
2. Catalog: 15 books
3. Alexa Rating: 10.3M
E. Social Media
1. Forum: No
2. Blog: Yes
3. Book Club: No
4. Twitter: 27 followers, active (recently opened account)
5. FaceBook: 869 fans, active
Overall Rating: Not enough data, to new to be evaluated
B: Not enough Data
C: Not enough Data
D: Brand new so too early to rate
E: Looking good for a start