Different Setting Can Recharge Your Writing #amwriting and #FREE Grown up Guide to Disney World
Different Setting Can Recharge Your Writing
By Mary Pax
Last week, poet Judith Montgomery spoke at our monthly Central Oregon Writers Guild meeting.
I don’t write poetry anymore, but I used to, and I often draw from it when writing. One of the authors who inspires me most, Thomas Hardy, used poetry in his novels to create gorgeous descriptions that always added to the plot and the character.
Anyway, we read a few poems at the meeting and dissected them, talking about the language and the lines and how they each impacted the mood and story. It was a wonderful reminder of language and how we can choose to use it in more meaningful ways.
Another thing she spoke about was not tying the poem up in a neat little bow at the end [where all is explained to the reader], but opening it out for the reader to use their own reflections and experiences. This has me thinking… how can I use more of that in my writing?
All these bits and pieces I add to my writing keep me growing. Growth strengthens my confidence. Not everyone will like it. Not everyone will get it. That’s OK.
Some things I do for me. Pieces of me go onto every page. I’m sure the same goes for you.
Did something nonfiction inspire your fiction writing lately? Give you new ideas?
A few photo poems I took over the weekend…
IWSG meets the first Wednesday of every month. Authors from all over the galaxy gather to exchange experiences and insecurities to help buoy each other. Artists by nature are both confident and not. It’s nice to have the support of others like us. Want to join? Sign up Hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh.
I had to take a lot of lame shots to find a dragonfly that would cooperate… I suppose that’s another writing lesson. Isn’t it?
The New Grown Ups Disney World Guide Book
- By Peggy Bechko
FREE! July 3, 4, and 5.
Download yours now!
From Amazon
Lots of web links to restaurants, menus, places to stay, attractions in the world, discounts and (yes, it’s true) a whole lot more. All aimed for the big kid in us all to go have a great time. Learn from my experiences and take advantage of all the research I’ve done.
Note From M. Pax
Due to tomorrow being a holiday, I’ll not be posting again until next Monday. Please have a marvelous weekend. Thanks for stopping in…