Do you type or do you write your books?
Do you type or do you write your books?
Nowadays, a manuscript, which literally means “written by hand” when looking at the Latin root of the word, is rarely handwritten and most often composed straight on the keyboard.
Speed-writing events such as Nanowrimo are impossible to join if writing with a pen, automatically disqualifying those of us who still rely on our forefathers method for writing.
Granted, between the advent of the word-processing software, writers relied for decades on the typewriter, and we have to go back 2 centuries to find writers who had no options but to write with a pen or a feather dipped in ink.
However, according to the study below, it seems mechanizing the writing process leads to some loss in quality, at least at the statistical level, which never reflects individual abilities.
A new survey has shown that despite all the technological advances and digital tools for communications and publishing, writing and reading through seamed distribution is still encouraged. San Francisco, CA — (SBWIRE) — 07/25/2013 — A new Pew Internet…