ePublishing Houses Ratings List
Important note: The list was created in 2011-2012 and is now gradually being updated (starting July 2019) – if you get an error page when clicking on a publishing house, remove the date from the URL, an update in the website has broken many links an fixing them is an ongoing process
The ePublishing houses listed below have been evaluated according to the
grid elements defined here
Grid for ratings
B = Service offered
C = Terms and Conditions
D = Credibility
E = Social Media
Click on the name of the ePublishing house to get to a more in-depth information page about it. Publishing Houses in depth pages are added one at a time on a daily basis during weekdays. If the name does appear as linked, it means it has not been added yet. The name of Publishing houses on this list are added at the beginning of the week with the list of those that will be reviewed during the week.
List of ePublishing Houses with ratings
Adventure Books of Seattle: evaluated on 9th of July 2011 – Updated July 2019
Genres: Hard Science-Fiction, True-Life, Stories of Survival, Romance, True-Life Non-Fiction, Crime Fiction (excluding
detective stories), Crime: Non-Fiction, Political themes, Historical, How-to.p>
Overall rating – Fair
B = 4 Stars
C = Not enough data
D = 3 Stars
E = 0 Stars
Amber Quill Press: evaluated on 9th of July 2011 – Updated July 2019 (appears discontinued)
Genre: Erotica
Overall rating – Good. But they never accept unsolicited submissions.
B = Not enough Data
C = No data
D = 4 Stars
E = 4 Stars
Amira Press: evaluated on 9th of July –Updated July 2019 (Discontinued)
Genre: Erotica – M/M, F/F, Menage erotic romance, Interracial romance (sensual or erotic, any genre), Paranormal, erotic romance, Shape-shifter erotic romance
Overall Rating – Excellent
B = 5 stars
C = 4 stars pending verification of missing data
D = 5 stars
E = 5 stars
AKW Books: evaluated 9th of July 2011, updated 11th of November Updated July 2019 (Discontinued)
Genres: All genres except Erotica and Porn
Overall rating– Fair
B = 3/4 stars
C = 4 stars
D = 3 stars
E = 1 star
Asylett Press Evaluated on 17th of July 2011 Updated July 2019 (Discontinued)
A. Genres:
Christian Fiction: Comedy, Espionage, Fantasy, Futuristic, Historical, Horror, Gothic, Mainstream, Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Time Travel, Thriller, Westerns, Young Adult, Romance, Anthologies
Non-Fiction: Educational – (particularly in the field of computers), Historical, Reference, Biographies, How-To Manuals, Recipe Collections
Overall – Fair
B: 4 stars
C: 3 stars pending verification of missing data
D: 3.5 stars
E: 0 stars
Atlantic Bridge Press Evaluated on 17th of July 2011 – Updated July 2019 (Discontinued)
A. Genres: N/A
Overall Rating – Bad
B: 3 stars
C: 4 stars
D: 0 stars
E: 0 stars
Aurora Regency Evaluated 17th of July 2011 –Acquired by Musa Publishing in August 2011
A. Genres:
Traditional Regency romances. All their heroines are virgins on their wedding night, the strictures of Society etiquette are inviolable (except by hoydens in madcap adventures) and their heroes are required to be fascinating and charismatic.
Overall – Fair considering their new presence on the market
B : 4 stars
C: No data
D: 1 star, but to be followed.
E: 2 stars
Awe Struck Publishing Evaluated on 17th of July 2011 – Updated July 2019 – Appears Discontinued
A. Genres:
Romance, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mainstream, Teen Fiction, Non-fiction
Overall– Good
B: 4 stars
C: 5 stars
D: 5 stars
E: 1 star
Belgrave House eBooks Evaluated on the 17th of July 2011 – Updated July 2019 – Appears Discontinued
A. Genres
Women’s fiction, mysteries, contemporary and historical romance
Overall – Fair
B: 2 stars
C: 3 stars
D: 4 stars
E: 1 star
BlueWood Publishing Evaluated on 24th of July 2011 – Updated July 2019 – Still Active
A. Genres: All excluding self-help, social or political commentary and diet books
Overall rating – Fair
B: 4 stars
C: 3+ stars
D: 3 stars
E: 2 stars
Books of Desire Publishing Evaluated on 24th of July 2011 – Updated July 2019 – Discontinued
A. Genres: Soft erotica romance – no hardcore, no porn
Overall – Fair/Good – pending data on Royalty %age and considering they are very new
B: 4 stars
C: 1 star pending additional data
D: 2 stars due to very recent opening
E: 2 stars pending website coming back up
By Light Unseen Media Evaluated 2d of October 2011 – Updated August 2019 – status unclear – seems to be used exclusively to sell existing authors)
A. Genres:
Vampire Stories
Overall Rating: Not enough data
B: No Data
C: 4 Stars pending confirmation and additional data
D: 2/3Stars
E: 3/4Stars
Calderwoods Book Publishing Evaluated 24th of July 2011 – Updated August 2019 – Appears Discontinued
A. Genres: Mainstream, Young Adult, Fantasy and Sci-Fi, short stories, mysteries, horror, romance, historical fiction
Overall: Fair/Good
B: 4 stars
C: 3+ stars
D: 4 stars
E: 0 stars
Champagne BooksEvaluated on 24th of July 2011 – Updated August 2019 -still active
A. Genres:Romance – no erotica
Overall– Not enough Data
B: No data
C: No data
D: 5 stars
E: 2+stars
Changeling Press Evaluated 24th of July 2011 – Updated August 2019 -still active
A. Genres: Paranormal, Dark Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Futuristic, BDSM, and Action/Adventure romantic love stories
Overall rating – good pending missing data
B: 5 stars pending data verification
C: Not enough Data
D: 4 stars
E: 5 stars
Club Lighthouse Publishing Evaluated 30th of July 2011 – Updated August 2019 – Still Active
A. Genres:
FICTION General Erotica, Fantasy, Historical, Horror, LGBT Fiction, Mystery, Poetry, Romance, Contemporary: Ennoble, Historical, Inspirational, Nostalgia; New Age, Paranormal, Satire, Science Fiction, Thriller, Young Adult
NON-FICTION Autobiography, Biography, Memoirs, Cook Books, Pets & Animals, Self Help & How To, Spirituality: New Age, Traditional
Overall Rating: Good
B: 4 Stars
C: 3 Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 0 Stars
Cobblestone Press Evaluated 30th of July 2011 Updated August 2019 – Still active
A. Genres:
Romance: Action/Adventure, African American, BDSM, Contemporary, Fantasy, Futuristic/Sci-Fi, Gay, Historical, Ménage, Multicultural, Paranormal, Romantic Comedy, Suspense, Time Travel, Urban, Fantasy, Vampires
Overall Rating – Very good
B: 4 Stars
C: 4 Stars
D: 5 Stars
E: 5 Stars
Conscious Kernels Evaluated on 30th of July 2011 – Updated August 2019 – Appears discontinued
A. Genres:
Spirituality, Science of Mind, New Thought Ideas, Metaphysics, or Religious Science.
Overall rating: Not enough data
B: No Data
C: Not enough Data
D: 3 stars
E: 3 stars
Creative Guy Publishing Evaluated 2d of October 2011 – Updated August 2019 – Appears discontinued
A. Genres:
Overall Rating: Not enough data
B: No Data
C: No Data
D: 2/3 Stars
E: 2/3 Stars
Crossed Genres Evaluated 2d of October 2011 – Updated August 2019 – Still active
A. Genres:
Science Fiction and Fantasy
Overall Rating: Not enough Data – might be relevant for publishing in anthology or magazine
B: NoData
C: Not enough Data
D: 2/3Stars
E: 1/2 Stars
Crystal Dreams Publicationd Inc. Evaluated 30th of July 2011 – Updated August 2019 – Appears discontinued
A. Genres:
Non-Fiction: Project Management, Leadership, Software Development Management, Agile Development/Agile Management, Lean Manufacturing/Six Sigma, Human Resources Management, Risk Management and Strategic Planning, Lessons from History for Modern Business Managers, Other topics of interest to senior IT managers and CIOs
Fiction: Not specified as currently no submission for fiction.
Overall Rating : Undecided
B: Not enough Data
C: 4 Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 1 Star
Damnation Books Evaluated 5th of October 2011 – Updated August 2019 – Appears discontinued
A. Genres:
Horror, Dark Fantasy, Thrillers, Science Fiction, Erotica, Paranormals
Overall Rating: Good
B: 4/5 Stars
C: 3/4 Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 5 Stars
Dark Continents Publishing Evaluated 9th of October 2011 – Updated August 2019 – Appears discontinued
A. Genres:
Dark Speculative Fiction writers
Overall Rating: Not enough data, to new to be evaluated properly
B: Not enough Data
C: Not enough Data
D: Brand new so too early to rate
E: Looking good for a start
Dark Quest Books Evaluated 9th of October 2011 – Updated August 2019 – Appears discontinued
A. Genres:
Speculative fiction only
Overall Rating: Fair
B: Not enough data
C: Not enough data
D: 3/4 Stars
E: 1/2 Stars
Davis E-Book Publishing Evaluated 1st of August 2011 – Updated August 2019 – Appears discontinued
A. Genres: Unclear
Overall Ratings – Not enough Data
B: No Data
C: No Data
D: 1 Star
E: 1 Star
Delirium books Evaluated 9th of October 2011 – Updated August 2019 – Appears discontinued
A. Genres:
Horror only
Overall Rating: Fair/Good
B: 3 Stars
C: 3/4 Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 3/4 Stars
Diskus Publishing Evaluated 7th of August 2011 –Updated August 2019 – Appears discontinued
A. Genres: Various
Overall Rating – Good
B: 4/5 Stars
C: 4 Stars
D: 4/5Stars
E: 0 stars
Dog Horn Publishing Evaluated 9th of October 2011 – Updated August 2019 – Appears still active
A. Genres:
Speculative and bizarre, preferably not fitting in with any genre
Overall Rating: Fair
B: 3 Stars
C: Not enough data
D: 2/3 Stars
E: 1 Star
Dorchester Publishing Evaluated 16th of October 2011
A. Genres:
Horror, Western and Romance
Overall Rating: Poor/fair
B: 3/4 Stars
C: No Data
D: 5 Stars
E: 3 Stars
Double Dragon Publishing Evaluated 9th of August 2011 –Updated August 2019 – Status unclear
A. Genres:
Adult/Erotica, Dark Fantasy, Fantasy/SF, Fiction/Adventure, First People (NAmerica), Historical, Humor/Speculative, Inspirational, Medieval, Mystery, Non-Fiction, Paranormal, Philosophy, Romance, Science Fiction, Self Help, Supernatural/Horror, Suspense/Thriller, Young Adult
Overall Rating – Very good
B: 4/5 Stars
C: 3/4 Stars
D: 5 Stars
E: 4 Stars
DragonFly Publishing Inc Evaluated 9th of August 2011
A. Genres:
Science Fiction (SF), Fantasy, or SF/Fantasy combination [no Horror or Military Fiction], Science Fiction Romance [aka SFR: Futuristic (SF), Paranormal, Fantasy], Teen / Young Adult SF/Fantasy [Rated G to mild-PG for ages 12-18]
Overall rating: Good – pending more data on contract
B: 3/4 Stars
C: 2 Stars
D: 5Stars
E: 1 star
Draumr Publishing Evaluated 9th of August 2011
A. Genres:
Fiction genres such as science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, adventure, suspense/thriller, non-bbw romance
Overall Rating: seems good but provisional to father data about contract
B: 4 Stars
C: No data
D: 4 Stars
E: 4 Stars
Dreamspinner Press Evaluated 11th of October 2011
A. Genres:
Gay male romance in all genres
Overall Rating: Excellent
B: 5 Stars
C: 4/5 Stars
D: 5 Stars
E: 5 Stars
e-Books UK Evaluated 9th of August 2011
A. Genres:
Fiction : Fantasy,Horror, Mainstream Fiction, Poetry and Verse
Non-Fiction: Computers and Internet,Leadership and Management Guides, Memoir, reminiscence, True Crime
Overall rating – Poor
B: 0 Stars
C: 1/2 Stars
D: 1/2 Stars
E: 0 Stars
Echelon PressEvaluated 14th of August 2011
A. Genres:
Romance (no erotica),Mystery (Series: humor, hobby, occupational, travel, international),Thriller/Suspense (Series: hardcore, noir, police procedural), Western (Series: humor, traditional)
Overall Rating : Good/Very Good
B: 5 Stars
C: 3/4 Stars
D: 5 Stars
E: 4 Stars
Eirelander Publishing Evaluated 14th of August 2011
A. Genres:
Paranormal, fantasy, stories set in a Contemporary/Modern genre, holiday story, time travelling, hard science fiction, revenge stories and The Borderlands.
Overall Rating : Fair
B: 3/4 Stars
C: 3 stars pending further data
D: 3 Stars
E: 2 Stars
ePress-online Evaluated 14th of August 2011
Closed down on August 9 2011, as its chief editor passed away.
Escape Collective Publishing Evaluated 16th of October 2011
A. Genres:
Fantasy, Science Fiction (Non-Hard), Mystery, Thrillers, Horror, Romance, Young Adult, Speculative Fiction, Anything absolutely amazing in any combination of the previous genres (see comments on publisher’s page for more details)
Overall Rating: fair, worth following as very new. Future will tell.
B: 3/4 stars pending more data on editing quality
C: Not enough data
D: 1 Stars
E: 1 Stars
eStar Books Evaluated 18th of October 2011
A. Genres:
Sci-fi, fantasy and speculative fiction
Overall Rating: poor/fair
B: 4/5 Stars
C: Not enough data
D: 2 Stars
E: 1/2 Stars
Eternal Press Evaluated 19th of October 2011
Under new management since 2010. Authors’ comments, which used to be very negative show improvements, but still question marks.
A. Genres:
Romance, Erotica, GBLT and BDSM, Paranormal, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense, Thriller, Historical, Young Adult.
Overall Rating: Fair/good
B: 3/4 Stars
C: 3 Stars
D: 5 Stars
E: 4/5 Stars
Evernight Publishing Evaluated 14th of August 2011
A. Genres:
Romance and Erotic Romance : Alternative (M/M or F/F), Anthologies , BDSM , Contemporary , Erotic , Fantasy , Futuristic, Historical , Interracial , May/December , Menage , Multiple Partners , Paranormal , Sci-Fi , Seasonal/Holiday , Steampunk , Suspense , Time Travel, Urban Fantasy , Western
Overall Ratings – Good
B: 4/5 Stars
C: Not enough Data
D: 3 Stars
E: 3 Stars
The Fiction Works Evaluated 14th of August 2011
A. Genres: None
Overall ratings – former publishing house turned publishing platform
Gypsy Shadow Evaluated 21th of August 2011
A. Genres:
Various excluding anything depraved or illegal presented in a positive light or as titillation, pedophilia, rape, incest, necrophilia, bestiality, or racial intolerance
Overall Rating – Very good
B: 4/5 Stars
C: 4/5 Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 3/4 Stars
Grand Mal Press Evaluated 19th of October 2011
A. Genres:
Horror, Sci Fi, Detective/Mystery, Thriller, Genre Related Humor (I.E. Christopher Moore, Douglas Adams), Mashups
Overall Rating: Fair Still new, worth following development
B: 3/4 Stars
C: 1/2 Stars
D: 2 Stars
E: 2 Stars
Graveside Tales Evaluated 23d of October 2011
A. Genres:
All dark, horror fiction
Overall Rating: Not enough data
B: No Data
C: No Data
D: 2/3Stars
E: 4/5 Stars
Hard Shell Word Factory Evaluated 22d of August 2011
A. Genres:
Action/Adventure, Children-PreK to Grade 2, Children/Middle Grades, Horror/Dark Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Humor, Mainstream, Mystery/Crime, Romance, Science Fiction, Suspense/Thriller, Young Adult, Non-Fiction, Poetry
Overall rating: Excellent
B: 4/5Stars
C: 4/5Stars
D: 5 Stars
E: 2 Stars
Lazy Bee ScriptsEvaluated 22d of August 2011
A. Genres:
English pantomimes and school plays, including musicals with strong sidelines in plays, one-act drama and sketches, skits and short plays, and scripts for interactive murder mysteries
Overall Rating: Not applicable as specialized for plays and musical publishing, for which we lack proper evaluating tools.
B: Stars
C: Stars
D: Stars
E: Stars
Lillibridge Press Evaluated 22d of August 2011
A. Genres:
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror/Gothic, Myths/Tales, Magick/Occult, Superheroes, High Romance, LGBTQ, and Erotica. Stories can stand alone or be part of a well-developed series, but must have an element of the speculative.
Overall Rating: undecided
B: 3/4 Stars
C: 2 Stars
D: 3 Stars
E: 2/3 Stars
Liquid Silver Books Evaluated 22d of August 2011
A. Genres:
All erotic romance genres excluding pedophilia, rape or incest, necrophilia, hate messages to any race, gender, religion, or sexuality, bestiality, main characters under the age of 18, and their own definition of pornography.
Overall Rating: Excellent
B: 4 Stars
C: 4/5 Stars
D: 5 Stars
E: 5 Stars
Loose-IDEvaluated 29th of August 2011
A. Genres:
Erotic Romance : Contemporary,Historical,Paranormal, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Mystery & Suspense, Gay, Lesbian & Transgendered, Menage & Polyamory, BDSM & Fetish
Overall Rating: Very good pending more info about contractual conditions
B: 5 Stars
C: No Data
D: 5 Stars
E: 4 Stars
LuLu also has a great variety of publishing services like editing, cover design, formatting and marketing books and eBooks.
Lyrical Press Evaluated 14th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Erotica, romance, urban fantasy
Overall Rating: Good
B: 4 Stars
C: Not enough data
D: 4 Stars
E: 4 Stars
Magic Lamp Press Evaluated 29th of August 2011
A. Genres:
Crime, mystery, detective, law
Overall Rating: poor/fair if not signing off electronic rights.
B: Stars
C: 3 Stars pending info about rights and length of contract
D: 2/3 Stars
E: 0 Stars
MuseItUp Publishing Evaluated 29th of August 2011
A. Genres:
- Romance – everything from: romantic comedy, contemporary romance, fantasy romance, historical romance, paranormal romance, romantic suspense, western romance, sweet romance, sci-fi romance, time travel romance
- Paranormal – Fantasy – vampires, ghosts, witches, werewolves, shape shifters and dragons
- Mystery – Suspense -ThrillerYoung Adult
- Horror & Dark FictionScience Fiction
Overall Rating: very good taking into account young age.
B: 4/5 Stars
C: 4 Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 4/5 Stars
Mushroom eBookEvaluated 30th of August 2011
A. Genres:
All genres, particularly science fiction, fantasy, horror, thrillers and romance.
Overall Rating: Good
B: 3/5 Stars depending on missing data
C: 3/4 Stars
D: 3 Stars
E: 1 Stars
Noble RomanceEvaluated on 4th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Erotic Romance
Overall Rating: good/excellent pending more data on contract
B: 4/5 Stars
C: Not enough data
D: 5 Stars
E: 5 Stars
Opus ExpoEvaluated 4th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Not specified
Overall Rating: Fail – big time J
B: 0 Stars
C: 0 Stars
D: 0 Stars
E: 0 Stars
Paladin Timeless Books Evaluated 4th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Science fiction, fantasy, historical, humor, literary, mystery, non-fiction, paranormal romance, YA
Overall Rating:
B: 4/5 Stars
C: No Data
D: 4 Stars
E: 0 Stars
Private Ice Evaluated 6th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Ice skating related non-fiction, fiction and poetry
Overall Rating: Good
B: 5 Stars
C: 4/5 Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 0 Stars
Romance at Heart Publications Evaluated 7th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Romantic and erotic fiction for women : Contemporary, Fantasy, Futuristic, General, Historical, Paranormal, Regency, Romantic Suspense, Sci-Fi, Time-Travel
Overall Rating: Only a few months old, so too early to rate.
B: No Data
C: No Data
D: Too early
E: 3/4 Stars
Samhain Publishing Evaluated 15th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Romance, erotica and fantasy/science fiction/urban fantasy with strong romantic elements.
Overall Rating: Excellent
B: 4/5 Stars
C: 4 Stars
D: 5 Stars
E: 5 Stars
Sizzler Editions Evaluated 6th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Overall Rating: Good
B: 5 Stars
C: 4 Stars
D: 5 Stars
E: 4 Stars
Speculation Press Evaluated 7th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Science-Fiction and Fantasy
Overall Rating: Seems to have gone out of business
B: No Data
C: No Data
D: 1 Stars
E: 1 Stars
Subterranean Literary Journal Evaluated 18th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Horror, suspense, and dark mystery genres
Overall Rating: N/A as online magazine, not really publisher yet
B: N/A
C: N/A
D: 1 Stars
E: 3 Stars
SynergEbooks Evaluated 13th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Fiction, Nonfiction, Romance, Young Adults, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Poetry, Humor, Mystery/Suspense, Inspiration, Cookbooks, Self-Help/Reference, Suspense, Mystery, Business, True Crime, New Age, Native American, and an ever-expanding Children’s section.
Overall Rating: Fair
B: Not enough Data
C: 2/3 Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 0/1 Stars
The Wild Rose Press Evaluated 18th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Romance, in all genres.
Overall Rating: Good, in view of numerous authors comments
B: 5 Stars
C: Not enough Data
D: 4/5 Stars
E: 5 Stars
Treble Hearts Books Evaluated 18th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Contemporary Christian Fic., Historical Christian Fic., Christian Short Stories, Christian Nonfiction, Young Adult, mysteries
Overall Rating: Poor
B: 0 Stars
C: 2 Stars
D: 3 Stars
E: Stars
Uncial Press Evaluated 18th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Fantasy, Fiction, Historical, Fiction, Humor, Mystery, Paranormal Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Self Help, Suspense, Western, Young Adult, Text Book
Overall Rating: Fair/Good
B: 4 Stars
C: 4 Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 0 Stars
Untreed Reads Books Evaluated 18th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Candlelight: Literary Romance
Fingerprints: Mystery/Crime/Thriller/Suspense
Nibs: Literary
Orbits: Sci-Fi and Fantasy
Spectres: Horror
The Lab: Experimental and Abstract
Overall Rating: Good
B: 3/4 Stars
C: 5 Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 2/3 Stars
Vinspire Publishing Evaluated 25th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Historical, Inspirational Fiction, Light Historical, Multicultural/Interracial, Mystery, Paranormal, War, Western, Children, Inspirational Non-Fiction, Non Fiction, Young Adult
Overall Rating: Not enough data
B: Not enough data
C: No Data
D: 2 Stars
E: 3/4 Stars
Whiskey Creek Press Evaluated 25th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Adventure, Anthology, Historical Fiction, Horror, Humor, Inspirational, Mainstream, Mystery/Suspense, Poetry, Romance, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Self Help/Non-fiction, Thrillers, Westerns, Young Adult
Overall Rating: poor/fair
B: 4 Stars
C: No Data
D: 4 Stars
E: 1 Stars
Whispers Publishing Evaluated 25th of September 2011 – Updated 2d of October 2011 with info volunteered by CEO
A. Genres:
Romance, science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, and general fiction
Overall Rating: Good
B: 3/4 Stars
C: 3/4 Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 4/5 Stars
Whortleberry Press Evaluated 28th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
Overall Rating: Fair
B: No Data
C: Not enough Data
D: 4 Stars
E: 1 Stars
Wings Press Evaluated 28th of September 2011
A. Genres:
ROMANCE: Contemporary, Encore L’Amour, Fantasy, Futuristic/Sci-Fi, Gothic, Historical, Inspirational, Mystery, Paranormal, Suspense,
GENERAL FICTION: Action/Adventure, Chick Lit, Fantasy, Futuristic/Sci-Fi, Historical, Horror, Mainstream, Mystery/Cozy, Paranormal, Suspense/Thriller, Women’s Fiction
Overall Rating: fair
B: 3/4Stars
C: 3 Stars
D: 3/4Stars
E: 0/1 Stars
Writers Exchange E-Publishing Evaluated 28th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Action/Adventure/War, Business/Finance, Christian (Fiction and non-fiction), Fantasy, General Fiction (Miscellaneous fiction that does not fit under any of the other categories), Historical, Humor, Mystery, Parenting, Romance, Science Fiction, Self-Help/How-To, Westerns, Writing Advice,
Overall Rating: Fair/Good
B: 3 Stars
C: 3/4Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 1/2 Stars
Yard Dog Press Evaluated 28th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Fiction: Action/Adventure, Children/Young Adult, Dark Fantasy/Horror, Fantasy / Urban Fantasy, Gay / Lesbian, Humor / Dark Humor, Mystery / Suspense, Paranormal Romance, Poetry, Science Fiction, Sword & Sorcery, Vampires, Were-Creatures, Witches, Zombies (& other fantastical creatures)
Non-Fiction: Cook Book, Autobiography, Reference,
Overall Rating: Not enough data
B: No Data
C: No Data
D: 3 Stars
E: 1 Stars
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