Flash Contest August 2011 Rules and Regulations
Flash Contest August 2011 Rules and Regulations
1. No entry fee is required.
2. Contest is open to all writers having published or self-published at least one fiction, short stories or poetry book.
3. ePublishaBook.com reserves First Rights on all submissions. All other rights remain the property of the author.
4. All entries must be original works, in English. Plagiarism, which includes the use of third-party poetry, song lyrics, will result in disqualification.
5. Excessive violence, sex or religious extremism, determined by the judges, will result in disqualification.
6. Entries may not have been previously published anywhere.
7. To be eligible, entries must be under 250 words in length. The title is not included in the word count and is limited to 7 words or less for the entry to be eligible.
8. Entries must be submitted by e-mail at promo@epublishabook.com and must be included in the body of the e-mail. Attachment will not be opened so entries submitted as attachment click here will be automatically disqualified.
9. Each entry must contain the title of the work, the author’s name, a valid e-mail address and a link to the book that would be advertised if the contestant wins the contest.
10. To be eligible for this week’s contest, entries must be received by midnight (ECT) on Tuesday 2d of August.
11. Submissions are limited to one per contestant. Contestants submitting more than one flash fiction will be disqualified.
12. The decisions of the judges are entirely their own, and are final.
13. Contestant agrees to have his/her entry published on ePublishaBook.com.
14. The winner’ entry will be published on epublishabook.com website on Sunday 7th of August 2011.
15. The winner’s book will be advertised in banner format on ePublishaBook.com from Sunday 7th of August 2011 to Saturday 13th of August 2011.
16. The winner will be individually notified of the results by email on Saturday 6th of August.