For Authors – Opportunity to get interviewed on TV
Today, we have the luck of hosting a guest post about interviewing authors on TV by JD Savage, a TV channel Art director looking for authors to interview. He gives us tips on how to shine on the screen. Read to the end if you want to know how to apply to be interviewed!
Your book on every screen!
Guest Post by Jeff Davis, Art Director at JDTV http://www.jdsavage.com
Authors, like many creative types, can be a solitary lot. Certainly not all of them, mind you. Egad, some are downright gregarious! But many can be more at home inside their own heads than out there in the real world.
With the popularity of creators forging their own paths to self-publishing, one of the aspects of “making it work” tends to rub up against this need for alone-ness.
Promoting your work.
To people.
The fundamental truth is that having your book on the physical or digital shelf is not enough. Promotion is a necessary social function. People don’t need to be convinced to spend money on their entertainment. They are more than happy to do so. What people want is to know why they should spend it on your book. After all, there are lots of choices out there.
Genres and “also read” lists make up part of the magic formula, but the rest is up to you, and how you connect with your readers. If they identify with you and your “brand”, future sales will follow.
Just like McDonald’s, or Pepsi, or whatever. If folks know going in what they’re going to get, those that do come in are ready and willing to buy.
Be that. Without all of the sugar, salt and fat, though.
One of the ways to connect with people who want to buy a good book is to give them a glimpse of the real YOU on blogs and websites that they already frequent. Show ’em who you are, what you do and why they need your book. If they agree, you’ve not only made a sale, but, you’ve created a partnership of trust. With so many choices available to readers, they increasingly rely on the name of the author to provide the particular brand of entertainment that they like.
At JDTV, (www.jdsavage.com), we’ve built a small but rabidly loyal following by offering content to which Moms and families can relate. We want to hear your story, and what makes your book a must read. We are planning in 2012 to offer Author Interviews, with links to all your sales channels, to give you a chance to connect with our families.
They want to read good books. Let’s show them yours.
Send a note to authors@jdsavage.com if you’d like to appear on our site. Tell us briefly who you are, what you do and why we need you. We’ll send you back a questionnaire with lots of space for you to really go to town and show people why they should read, (and buy, for goodness sake),your book.
Our viewers will be thankful for the heads-up, you’ll become wildly successful, (your mileage may vary), and we all go home happy.
Add JDTV to your Promotion list of to-do’s. And, then… go outside. There are people out there. It’ll be good for you.
My personal info:
Jeff Davis, Art Director at JDTV
artist, writer, videographer
website: www.jdsavage.com
JD Savage on G+:plus.google.com/103546981939364425829
twitter: @JDSavageTV