Free Promotion Tool for Your Book!!! #writers #writing #selfpub #bookmarketing
Free Promotion Tool for Your Book!!!
Ourboox just added the possibility of including a link to your book’s selling point to your book free sample chapters, this icon will appear next to the sample chapter and remain visible while reading the sample, making it easy to switch from “tasting’ to buying. Here is what it looks like, as shown with the samples of one of the first writers to use that feature (by the way, it’s one of my favorite series ever, Martin Ash got in touch with me after I left a glorious review on his book on Amazon, so read the sample, you might be enchanted…) so that you can see what it looks like Notice the 3 arrows? These have been added here to give a better idea of what this promotion tools does and are not visible on the website.
- Look at the “Sell your book” arrow : It points to the “Buy the book” button at the left bottom corner links to your book selling point. It remains visible whilst the reader scrolls through your free sample chapters, increasing the odds of leading the interested reader to buy your book.
- The “Share sample chapters” arrow points to the social media sharing options, meaning that a reader can share your free sample chapters with friends and family, and sample chapters have their own URLs that can be used in all promotional material you use to enable people to read a sample of your book. There is no registration required from readers, so a single click leads them straight to your sample chapters. (Note: when sharing on Facebook, the book cover is displayed with the first lines of the book description, we are working on doing the same for Twitter, or at least the book cover).
- The get started arrow points to the “Create your own book now!” option, from where you can sign up or simply sign up here and follow instructions.
- The author’s profile on the left also remains visible throughout the reading process, increasing author’s name recognition.
The mobile version for e- reading is still not perfect but is being improved as we write. Improvement will apply to all sample chapters already uploaded, so no need to come back later to edit, though editing can be done at all time. Read here to better understand how publishing free samples on Ourboox will also help you rise in search engines organically Oh, and did I mention this service is entirely free? As Ourboox is a non-profit, bootstrapped self-funded start-up, powered by the love of writing and writers.