This budding book publishing platform is growing fast, have you joined yet?
This budding book publishing platform is growing fast, have you joined yet?
Less than a month ago, we invited you to join Ourboox, a publishing platform in the making that brings writers and illustrators together to create page-flipping e-books that are free to publish and free to share.
In the month that passed, Ourboox has made an incredible progress, with a closed beta already up and running, and writers and illustrators are already collaborating and creating books.
Yet, things are moving fast. The close Beta is now working full speed with carefully selected Beta users and is in the final stage of preparing a bookaton for live users on site. During the event (scheduled for Dec. 12th) writers and illustrators will write books together the same day, and co-publish them on our new platform. Prizes for the best books!!!
So, in addition to the current dozen of closed Beta users, writers and illustrators will write, illustrate and publish books together on the spot, all in one day!
Of course, Ourboox founders are over the moon, unable to believe such a boon is coming their way. The event is boosting their energy level and they are now working 36 hours a day to polish out as many bugs as possible before December 12th, the date set for the bookaton.