Guest Post from Nicola Moriarty author of Captivation

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A Confession: My Husband is Much, Much Nicer Than Me


By Nicola Moriarty



This morning my husband’s alarm didn’t go off. Luckily our 2½ year old had been in our bed since five am, chattering, singing, sitting up, lying back down, clambering over us – just generally making sure we were only ever on the edges of falling back to sleep.  When he finally leapt out of bed, half an hour late, I snuggled down with the baby and asked him to turn on the heating so it would be lovely and warm when I finally tumbled out of bed – it was a non-work day for me.


When I heard him step out of the shower, I called out asking him to grab some toys so I could keep our daughter happy in bed with me for just five minutes more. Then I asked him to pour her a cup of milk. And then to check her bed for her teddy-bear. And to peel me some grapes and massage my feet. Ha! Just kidding (sort of). But as I stayed there, curled up under the covers, tossing demands over the quilt, watching him race around, trying not to miss his train – I remembered the days when I used to work as a swimming teacher on Saturday mornings. Inevitably I would sleep in – I am not a morning person. While I rushed around the house getting ready, my husband would be calling things out from the bed. But they weren’t demands.


“Do you want me to put some toast on for you?”


“Your towel is hanging on the line, want me to go and grab it?”


“Should I peel you some grapes, rub your feet?”


Okay, okay, I’m joking again – but seriously – he’s that nice. Not only that, but he’d actually follow through with these offers. I’d step out of the shower to find him in the kitchen, holding out a plate of toast and asking, ‘vegemite or jam?’ I’d be searching through a basket of washing for my swimmers and he’d appear behind me holding them. All right – so now I’m making him sound like a magical genie – but you get the idea, right?


And yet it’s never occurred to me to hop out of bed in the morning to return the favour. Instead, I’ll lie there and justify it to myself. But I’m sooo tired. He fell asleep before me last night, by at least ten minutes. I do other nice things for him, like, you know… umm… have sex? Oh who am I kidding? That’s all about me too.


So finally I’ve had to come to the conclusion – my husband is nicer than me. When I was pregnant with our first daughter, I had terrible morning sickness and declared that I could no longer feed the cat because it made me want to throw up (we used to take turns). He took over the job immediately. Our daughter is five now – I still don’t feed the animals. I don’t think I can blame it on morning sickness any more.


When we have an argument, I sulk, and inevitably, he’s the one to apologise first.


My husband is more mature than me.


When the state of origin was on the other night, we watched a recorded episode of 30 Rock.


My husband doesn’t like football.


He’s also good-looking, intelligent, funny and for some reason, madly in love with me. So what’s the problem? Well, one day he might just wake up and realise how unbalanced the scales really are. When I told him about my concerns, wailing that he was going to leave me one day, he shook his head and gave me a hug. “I would NEVER, EVER leave you.”


My response?


“Stop being so damn perfect!”




The first paranormal addition to the Random Romance series, Captivation is an intoxicating ghost story . . . True love never dies.After Juliette lost her beloved husband Danny, she closed herself off from the world, tormented by her grief. But now, just as she is finally preparing to move on, she senses he has returned. Is he trying to come back to her?How can Juliette say no to the man she loves more than life itself? And why would she want to when Danny’s methods of persuasion have her weak at the knees . . . ?Yet there is always a price to pay. And when their passionate love starts to turn sinister, will she find the strength to finally let him go for ever?



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