Humor for Writers – Biblical Marketing
Humor for Writers – Biblical Marketing
As Moses is leading the tribes out of Egypt, they come to the Red Sea and they need to be able to cross it to get to the Promised Land on the other side. Moses lifts up his staff and prays to God. The Red Sea immediately parts, leaving enough space for all of them to cross.
Moses goes over to the first tribe and says, “Please cross now.”
But their leader replies, “No, we don’t want to cross.”
“Be reasonable,” says Moses, “I’ve just performed the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea. You must cross.”
“Why must we cross?” asks the leader.
“Because over there, on the other side,” replies Moses, “we’ll find a land overflowing with milk and honey. In any case, you must cross because I’ve just paid for a full page in the Bible.”