Humor for Writers – It’s all a question of perspective
Humor for Writers – It’s all a question of perspective
John was a famous rich writer who was near death. He was very grieved because he had worked very hard for his money and wanted to be able to take it with him to heaven. So he begins to pray.
Up in Paradise, angels had been tremendously enjoying his books, so one breaks the rule of not communicating with people before they actually die and says to him, “I’m sorry, but you can’t take anything with you.”
John implores the angel to speak to God to see if he might bend the rules. He said he would try. In the meantime, John continues to pray.
When the angel reappears, he informs John that God has decided to allow him to take one suitcase with him. Overjoyed, John gathers his largest suitcase and fills it with pure gold bars and places it beside his bed. Soon afterward he dies and shows up at the Gates of Heaven.
The angel Gabriel, seeing the suitcase, says, “Hold on, you can’t bring that in here.”
John explains that he has permission and suggests he verify his story with God.
Gabriel checks and says, “You’re right. You are the famous writer! The angels are all expecting your shipment with impatience… Yet, there are rules. You’re allowed one carry-on bag, but I’m supposed to check its contents before letting it through.”
So Gabriel opens the suitcase to inspect the worldly goods that John found too precious to leave behind and exclaims, “You brought pavement?”