Humor for Writers – John Storywriter Unwitting Compliment
Humor for Writers – John Storywriter Unwitting Compliment
By Patricia de Hemricourt
John Storywriter, the famous writer, and his wife Miriam are at home having breakfast. And as he always does during breakfast, John is reading the Chronicle’s Sports pages. Suddenly, John comes across an article which he feels he has to share with Miriam.
“Darling,” he says, “guess what Sheldon Bungler, that brainless, idiotic footballer, has just done?”
“I’ve no idea,” replies Miriam. “So tell me already. Just what has Sheldon done?”
“He’s just announced that he and Shirley, that stunningly beautiful actress and model, are going to get married,” replies John. “Can you believe it? Why oh why do the world’s biggest imbeciles always seem to get to marry the most gorgeous, sexy, and brainiest of women?”
“Thank you so much for your kind words, darling,” says Miriam.