Humor for Writers – PC trouble
Humor for Writers – PC trouble
Julie the Writer is having trouble on her PC with her word processing program, so she calls Mike the computer expert and asks him to come over and sort it out for her. As soon as he arrives, it takes Mike only a few minutes to solve the problem. He then gives Julie an invoice for $40, his minimum service charge, and turns to leave. As he’s walking away, she shouts after him, “So? What was wrong with it, Mike?”
“It was an ‘ID ten T’ error,” he replies.
Julie doesn’t want to appear stupid, but nonetheless asks him, “An ‘ID ten T’ error? What’s that…in case I need to fix it again?”
Mike grins and replies, “Haven’t you heard of an ‘ID ten T’ error before?”
“No,” she replies.
“So write it down,” he says, “and then I think you’ll figure it out.”
So Julie writes out ….. I D 1 0 T