Humor for Writers – The Power of Narrative
Humor for Writers – The Power of Narrative
A sci-fi writer, a romance writer, and a tragedy writer are out fishing in the middle of a lake.
They are talking about their current writing progress.
“My main character just invented shoes that enable walking on water,” says the sci-fi writer.
“That’s funny,” says the romance writer, “My main character says she feels like she is dancing on water to express the joy at meeting the love of her life.”
“My main character feels like he is sinking to the bottom of a bottomless dark lake,” says the tragedy writer.
After a while, the sci-fi writer tells his two colleagues, “I left my other fishing rod in the car; I’ll be right back.” He gets out of the boat, walks across the water to the beach, goes to the car, walks back across the lake, and gets into the boat. The tragedy writer stares at this in amazement.
Half an hour later, the romance writer says, “I need to go to the toilet.” He, too, gets out of the boat, walks across the water, finds the nearest men’s room, walks back across the water and gets into the boat. The tragedy writer is absolutely dumbfounded!
The tragedy writer keeps thinking, “There must be some trick. It cannot be that they can walk on water simply because their characters do!” So he speaks up and says, “I need to get something to drink; there’s a refreshment stand on the beach.”
He stands up, puts his feet on the water, and SPLASH, he goes straight down under the water. The sci-fi writer and the romance writer help him back into the boat. He is embarrassed, not to mention wet, but he knows he can do it if the other two can. So, he stands up again, steps out onto the water, and again, SPLASH!! Again, he is dragged out and again he decides to try. As he is going down for the third time, the sci-fi writer turns to the romance writer and asks, “Do you think we should show him where the rocks are?”