Humor for writers – Toto wants to be a writer
“Mum, do you have a piece of cheese?” asked Toto on the 2d of January.
“Cheese? Since when do you like cheese?” asked Mum.
“It’s not for me, it’s because I want to be a writer, you know, as I said in my New Year resolutions…”
“Honey, have you seen my keys?” Dad barged in.
“They must be hanging by the door on the board as usual, aren’t they?” answers Mum.
“No, they’re on my desk, I took them with the keyboard. I need them to be a writer,” says Toto.
“What on earth do you mean?” say both Mum and Dad.
“Well, I asked my friend what I needed to write, and they said a screen, a keyboard and a mouse, now I just need the cheese to catch the mouse!” answered Toto.
Copyright of Patricia de Hemricourt – ©PatriciadeHemricourt 2011 All rights reserved