Humor – The Road to Fame
Homer, J.K. Rowling and Joe Blog, the legendary writer of the 22d century meet in the Time Traveling Café.
They exchange their experience about how they got to fame.
“Well,” says Homer, “You two did quite well; I had to wait a few centuries after my death before having a worldwide audience. How did you manage to do it so fast?”
“Well,” answers J.K. Rowling, “I began by being shunned by a collection of publishers and despair. Then one signs you up and in no time at all, you find yourself at the head of whole industry that works overtime to make you famous while you happily write more books.”
“Or,” says Joe Blog, “I began by creating that very same industry myself, using social networking and a lot of similar tools that will be created after your time. That got the buzz buzzing everywhere and spiraled into lots of invitations to interviews etc., which is very rewarding. So now i have a humongous readership at the ready I just have to do the easy part now.”
“What easy part?” asked Homer and Rowling .
“Well, sit down and write the book of course…” answered Joe Blog.
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