Intro to Picture eBooks and Motion
Intro to Picture eBooks and Motion
Back to From eBook to Enhanced eBook
The children eBook market is increasingly moving to enhanced eBooks that include test, image sounds and motions, and are geared to the touch screen eReaders.
This means they allow the child to interact with the eBook by touching the screen and create sounds or movement effects. Most of them also include an option to record the text, so that the child can listen to the parent, grand parent or any favorite reader’s voice when activating the enhanced eBook.
There are an ever growing numbers of apps on the market that enable mildly tech savvy writers to create their own enhanced eBooks. Most of these apps offer to include the eBook in their catalog, providing a promotion platform in addition to the template used to create the enhanced eBook.
This, however, does not solve the discoverability issue, as there are thousands of these apps available and potential readers will need to be using the app chosen to create the enhanced eBook to be able to download it, or even to simply access their catalog.
These apps, providing templates aimed at non-publishing professional, provide only a limited amount of options that do not cover the entire array of available tools. This means that professional children books publishers will probably come up with enhanced eBooks providing a larger number of options and slicker look and feel. Still, apps aimed at authors directly are certainly worth exploring, as children eBooks without effects are less and less likely to find buyers.
Here are is sample of such apps that already have achieved a reasonable degree of fame.
Interactive Touch Books (60k downloads in the first few months)
Moglue, Demibooks Composer, Book Creator from Red Jumper
These are just examples, there are many more on the market, and even more upcoming.
Each has their own advantages and inconvenient, and it might very well be that the ideal app is already our somewhere, but has been created by a genius techie with no marketing sense, and it is buried under the mass of less developed or harder to use apps that are easy to find.
Feel free to add your favorite apps in the comment section below to share with other readers interested in finding the best app for their need.