Is Kindle Fire Redefining the Book Market? – Part 1
Is Kindle Fire Redefining the Book Market? – Part 1
January market research by Change Wave about consumer spending shows that Kindle Fire customer satisfaction and sales figures are likely to boost Amazon’s market shares in the Home Entertainment market.
Out of 2067 North American consumer interviewed, already 6% owned a Kindle Fire though the fixture only went on sale mid-November 2011, so less that 3 months before the survey took place.
For writers looking to reach readers, the following figures are even more interesting when one looks at the behavior of Kindle Fire owners when it comes to buying online.
To the question: “We want to learn more about how you will be spending your online shopping dollars over the next 90 days. For each of the following websites, please tell us if you will be spending more money, about the same amount, or less money over the next 90 days compared with the previous 90 days.”
Only 20% of respondent will not use Amazon as a source of online goods while a whooping 20% intends to increase the amounts the will spend on Amazon. So Amazon seems to be the definite winner in online sales compared to all other contestant, putting it in a league of its own.
Now, what is even more interesting is the difference of shopping intention on Amazon between Kindle Fire owners and non-owners.
When cross-referenced with the shopping intention, Kindle fire owners are much more likely to shop on Amazon in the coming 90 days than non-owners as shown below Almost 30% of Kindle Fire owners do intend to buy against less than 20% on non-owners. This, of course has to be seen together with the fact that by definition, Kindle Fire owners recently purchased it and now need to fill it and Amazon is the ideal provider for Kindle owners as Kindles come with a number of proprietary apps that will draw customer to Amazon’s ware.
Yet, the considerable difference in planned spending between Kindle Fire owners and non-owners highlights the tremendous potential for additional realized revenue that the new tablet brings to Amazon, above and beyond initial sales of the device.
If this trend continues, for writers, it means that a growing percentage of potential readers of their ebooks will be shopping on Amazon, rending publishing with Amazon even more critical to increase readership.
Yet, will this trend continue? This is partly based on the satisfaction reported by consumers of this new ereader.
Next week, we will examine how Kindle Fire fares compared to its competitor in consumer satisfaction.