Looking for self-published fiction writers to interview. Read on if you want to be included.
Looking for self-published fiction writers to interview. Read on if you want to be included.
We are looking for self-published fiction writers to participate in a series of interview about the publication process of their books. If you are a self-published fiction writer and have at least one book that sold over 1000 copies, you are warmly invited to take part.
Here are the steps to follow to take part
- Provide a short bio ( up to 100 words) and a headshot of yourself
- Provide a link to your last published book main selling point and to your blog if relevant
- Provide a picture of your last book’s cover
- Answer the following question, replacing the bold, italic parts as relevant
Your [last] book XXX was made available to the public in MM/YYYY. How well has it been received by the public so far? - Choose 5 questions from here, replacing the bold, italic parts as relevant, and answer them in a witty, reader friendly way
- E-mail your answered questions, bio and links, including an email return address so that we can send you a link to your interview prior to publication.
So, if you are a self-published fiction writer, head for your keyboard and take advantage of this opportunity to promote your books. In any case, tell your self-published fiction writers friends by using the social media sharing tools at the head of this post.
We will begin publish the series once we have 10 or more publishable completed submissions*. Successful candidates will be informed by personal email.