More than 100 books uploaded in a month! #writers #authors
More than 100 books uploaded in a month!
As you know, we are closely following the progresses of the new free publishing platform Ourboox.
Today, they are launching the possibility of uploading long form books, a great opportunity for writers who want to increase exposure to their books, for example by publishing the first 3 chapters of their book. As opposed to books sold on Amazon and other online bookshops, the content of all books published on Ourboox is readable by Google and other search engine. That means that a book about “green socks” for example, where the term “green socks” appears repeatedly, will be registered by Google as a document relevant for those searching using “green socks” as a search term.
So, let say you written a historical romance novel taking place in Avalon, for example. Surely, the terms Avalon, Lady of the Lake and other related terms will appear repeatedly in the text of the novel. So, as Ourboox gains more content and rises in Google ranking, so will your book for those terms, without any additional work from your part. I uploaded mine 🙂
Updating the author’s profile to include links to social media and other relevant info such as Amazon’s author page is on Ourboox “to do” list, but uploading the first 3 chapter of your book can already be done now, the sooner the better to gain maximal benefit.
It’s entirely free, both for writers and readers, so feel free to visit and register to be part of this new publishing paradigm.
Read it in ourboox founder’s own words!
The 100 book mark
By Mel Rosenberg
Ourboox has now passed the 100-book mark and that in itself is exciting, given that we are ‘on the air’ such a short time (Launched Jan 20, 2014 – 1 month plus two days ago). What is even more remarkable is that the books already cover a range of genres and trans-versing several languages. True, most of our books so far are children’s books either written for children, or written by children. This is not at all surprising, since we designed the ‘square book’ format for this express purpose. In some cases, the books uploaded are collaborations between writers and illustrators who met through activities related to the website.
Ourboox turns out to be perfect for book genres that incorporate photos (satire, travel, poetry, cooking), as well as illustrations. We even have one book by Drue Hoile which ends with a video embedded from Youtube. Rotem Omri has used the platform to publish a beautiful portfolio book of her work.
I can see that people are starting to use the community to reach out to one another for assistance. Soon we will have the ‘long book’ format ready which will be great for longer stories, term papers, theses and fiction.
Because our content is growing steadily, and is easily recognized by search engines, our books are already being ranked on search engines. Try finding “Why I Love Yogurt” on Google, and let me know whether it isn’t already way up there on the search results (At the time of writing this post – it is ranked 2nd on the 1st page).
Buoyed by the enthusiasm of our early bird community of users and readers, we will continue to self-fund the website, hopeful that investors will share our vision of a world in which anyone can write, publish and share for free, on the simplest platform possible.