MuseItUp Publishing
MuseItUp Publishing
Evaluated 29th of August 2011
New and growing epublishing house, very active on social and events front. Seems promising.
A. Genres:
- Romance – everything from: romantic comedy, contemporary romance, fantasy romance, historical romance, paranormal romance, romantic suspense, western romance, sweet romance, sci-fi romance, time travel romance
- Paranormal – Fantasy – vampires, ghosts, witches, werewolves, shape shifters and dragons
- Mystery – Suspense -Thriller
Young Adult - Horror & Dark Fiction
Science Fiction
B. Service offered
1. Editing: Yes
2. Book cover: Yes
3. Formatting: Yes
4. ISBN: Yes
5. Marketing: Yes
6. Affiliates: no
7. Distribution: no data
C. Terms and Conditions
1. Advances: No
2. Royalties: 40% of net for ebooks, 20% of net for print books
3. Copyrights granted: worldwide electronic and print for English Language
4. Length of Contract: 3 years, with reversion of print rights after a year if not used
D. Credibility
1. Age: March 2010
2. Catalog: about 150 books
3. Alexa Rating: 1.8M
E. Social Media
1. Forum: Not yet
2. Blog: Yes
3. Book Club: Yes
4. Twitter: 389 followers, active
5. FaceBook: 901 group members, active
Overall Rating: very good taking into account young age.
B: 4/5 Stars
C: 4 Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 4/5 Stars
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