
Opportunity to get a professional recording for your book at cost!

Message from the blog founder


audio-booksOpportunity to get a professional recording for your book at cost!


I work for Elrom-PerfectVoices, a major dubbing studio wishing to expand into audio-books, and just secured a deal for the first 10 books to be recorded at costs as part of a dry run.
This will be available as soon as 10 books are registered and, as I really appreciate you following the blog and know full well how hard it is to establish a book presence on the market, these books will be advertised about on the dubbing studio website and on for free as part of the deal.
To register for this opportunity, go to the Facebook page Audio Books I opened especially for this opportunity , like the page and leave information about the book you wish to record. If you are ready to book a recording now, contact Elrom-PerfectVoices
The green light for this project has just been received and we will organize the details in the coming days, but we invite you to sign up already and tell your fellow writers about it by sharing this status update. If you want to book a spot immediately, contact ElRom-PerfectVoices directly and mention “From ePublishabook” to benefit from the free advertising on the blog.
Note: Also available for original texts in French, German, Spanish, Russian, Polish Arabic and Hebrew. For other languages, please enquire directly from the Facebook page Audio Books or from  ElRom-PerfectVoices .

The Divided Island -  A bedtime story for children in a divorce Book Release : The Divided Island by Patricia de Hemricourt


A bedtime story tailored for children aged 4 to 7 to read at bedtime when parents are separating or divorcing.
The story: Jonathan lives happily on a paradisaical island when suddenly, an earthquake rocks his world! What will happen to his safe island? How will he cope?
Why is The Divided Island part of the  Healing Stories  collection?
Children in the midst of a divorce do not want to be reminded of the impending or recent divorce just before going to bed, yet the anxieties surrounding the family crisis are sometimes troubling their sleep.
The Divided Island was written especially to assuage these fears without ever mentioning the words family, love, two homes or any reminder of the dissolution of the family unit.
Using monkeys as Jonathan’s friends on the island squarely puts the child at the center of the picture.
Using an earthquake as an allegory of the breaking up of the family unit underlines the lack of responsibility of the child, as no-one in their sane mind would blame anyone for a natural catastrophe.
This is what Amazon customers said about the book:
• “A must have for parents undergoing the painful process of breaking up” — Shahar
• “This book helped me to start a positive conversation about the divorce” — Jipi
• “Helpful, kind and honest” — oo