ORACLE Giveaways, Blogger Book Fair, the Secret Password and Major Life Upheaval
Right, plenty to get through, so I’ll keep everything short and sweet.
CRA Guest Post
First off, I’m over at the Crime Readers’ Association (CRA) blog to celebrate Crime Month, with a tongue-in-cheek post about 6 Common Maladies That Affect Crime Writers (some of which could also ail writers of other genres). There’s also a chance to win either a signed paperback copy (UK) or an e-book copy (international) of Oracle.
Next up, I’m participating in the Blogger Book Fair from 22 – 26 July. In that time, I’ll be hosting some authors on my blog, as well as guesting on others, all in the name of cross-promotion. Why not join in to see if you’ll find a new favourite read/author? There’ll be freebies (including my short horror novelette, The Doll) and giveaways galore, too, including another e-book copy of Oracle up for grabs. To enter, just fill in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post (which will start on 22 July).
An Audience with the Oracle
For Oracle readers, the month-long “An Audience with the Oracle” series of blog posts starts this Wednesday. Because these posts contain spoilers, they will be password protected so that only those who have read the book can access the post.
The password is the answer to this question:
What is the real name of the Oracle?
(full name in the format FirstnameLastname, no spaces and all lowercase)
If you haven’t read Oracle, but really want to read the posts, then just send me a message and I’ll give you the password — as long as you promise to read the book info eventually!
And finally…
If it’s not one thing, it’s another
I know I’ve promised to be around more, and to get back on that writing horse, after 6 months off with Baby Martin. But all my plans have been foiled by another major upheaval.
Long story short, my application to extend my visa to stay in the UK has been refused, and we really can’t afford to re-apply or to hire a solicitor to appeal our case. As we have always entertained the idea of moving back to Malaysia, this rejection has expedited our decision.
It might be a month, two months, or three months, we don’t know. I’m applying for a Repatriation Programme (which allows the hubby and Baby Martin a fast-tracked application for Permanent Residence status in Malaysia), looking for a new job back home, and working on selling our home here in the UK. We’ve already rehomed two of our three dogs (*sniff* ), and are looking to bring the third with us. All in all, it’s gonna be a stressful and busy few months ahead. And settling into a new life in Malaysia will probably mean no time for writing — again.
I’m struggling to make sure I put up everything I already promised in time, but it looks like I might be disappearing on and off — again.
But I have a bit of a super-sekrit five-year plan in the works, so rest assured that I will be back … sooner or later.
Anyway, here’s the Rafflecopter. Good luck!