Paper Book vs. Digital Book – Who reads which, where and why? Useful statistics
Paper Book vs. Digital Book – Who reads which, where and why?
Knowing what are the reasons that make people choose to read digital books rather than paper books is a valuable information when it comes to create a book promotion strategy and decide where to put efforts into promoting the digital book version and where to promoter the paper book version, in case both are available.
In case only one of these two formats is available, it enables avoiding wasting time and efforts in promotional efforts to the wrong targets. E-book nation just issued this infographic that nicely summarizes the key factors that make people choose digital books over paper books and has kindly allowed us to republish it.
As shown in the infographic, the popularity of digital books is growing fast, which means that the reading habits of readers are likely to evolve and change as the penetration rate of e-reading devices grows, yet, reasons for choosing to read a digital book rather than a paper book such as reading while traveling or commuting, for which a whopping 73% of readers declare preferring a digital book are likely to remain accurate, if only because of portability and ease of immediate access to a new book, should the traveler finish the book at hand.
So now that all this information is available, time to win the book promotion race…