The Pen is Mightier than the Sword – Writers for Democracy #writers #democracy #ISIS
The Pen is Mightier than the Sword – Writers for Democracy
As writers, our main activity is to add to the cultural capital of the world. Sometimes though, in time of crisis, our role does not stop there. Like now, in time of crisis, when scenes of intolerable barbarity are filling our screens with images from territories conquered by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) writers duty is to use their skills with a pen to fight for the survival of democracy.
Today’s wars are fought both with guns and with words. Writers might not necessarily be good with guns, but they are skilled with words. So, rather than despairing and feeling powerless in front of the intolerable images from Iraq and Syria, we can act and use our choice weapon to wage the bloodless war for the survival of democracy.
We all have blogs, an existing social media platform, hence an audience, and skills with words. It is our duty to alert the world before it is too late. This is why I am creating the group “Writers for Democracy”, a place for writers to exchange information about the spread of ISIS, so join the group and raise awareness, so that all will know the meaning of ISIS black flag flying in our street.
With heads literally flying before being pegged on spikes and gates in Mosul, Qaraqosh and other Iraqi and Syrian conquered area, the spread of barbarity has to be stopped before it reaches the heart of the Western world. ISIS flag is routinely seen in demonstration supporting Palestine, clearly showing the lack of awareness as to the danger they represent.
Here below is a list of links to various articles and videos documenting ISIS nefarious activity and cancerous spread.
ISIS History
Fighting ISIS on the ground
ISIS track record include burying women and children alive, crucifixions, beheadings – including children beheadings, selling women into slavery, and much more. The links referred to here are, unfortunately, a very small sample of the amount of information available, both from major news outlets, from various Christian’s websites appalled at the fate fellow Christians are facing and other sources.