How to Publish for Fun and Help Writers All Over the World #WritingWorkshop
How to Publish for Fun and Help Writers All Over the World
Introducing an entirely free service for writers who want to write for fun and still create books to share with friends and family, and the world at large.
Ourboox is a startup that launched last January and that enables anyone to upload a book and add pictures easily and then share the book URL on various social media platforms or by email, to browse on-line.
Ourboox purpose is slated to become youtube for books, as, as opposed to Amazon and other publishers, the entire content s discoverable through Google. This means that a book about any specific topic will be identified by search engines as being relevant for that topic and automatically rise in search engines, the relative rise being favorably impacted by the growing recognition of Ourboox platform.
That means that every writer contributes to the success of all other writers as well as his own simply by publishing a book.
It can be a wonderful addition to writing workshops, as a way to turn writing exercises into a themed online publication (good practice for publishing), a fun way for children to write essays and present their homework, a creative way to present cooking recipes with pictures of the mouth-watering results, a support to turn a travelling log into an illustrated book with minimal effort, a way to illustrate poetry, and many more in addition to the original purpose of publishing children books.
Adding pictures, such as original pictures or drawings, doodles or images drawn from creative commons image banks such as Wikipedia Commons or others, is a fun way to turn any such book into a more enticing reading experience.
At this stage, the platform is still in infancy and we are adding new functions and formats regularly. Using the platform is entirely free and very easy, so just come over, register, upload and publish books.