Questions about how an author became a best seller? Ask here!
Questions about how an author became a best seller? Ask here!
During the last months, Thursdays have been devoted to interview successful authors about their publishing journey in order to gain insight about what works and what does not in turning a newly published e-book into a best-selling or at least a mid-list book.
Today, rather than interviewing an author about their publishing journey, we decided to interview our readers.
Before interviewing more authors, we would like to help us draw a list of questions that are relevant for authors wondering how best to promote their books.
The current template on which we base our questions to interviewed authors is the following.
1) For authors who used only one method of publishing
Your book(s) [XYZ] has/ve been [self-published/published by an Indie publisher/published by an imprint of the Big 6], why did you choose that method of publishing as opposed to [self-publishing/publishing with a publisher]
What marketing tools have you used to promote your book?
Which one/s have proven most effective?
2) For authors who have tried more than one method
What made you switch from being [self-published/published by an Indie publisher/published by an imprint of the Big 6] to being [self-published/published by an Indie publisher/published by an imprint of the Big 6]?
Are you happy with your decision?
In your experience, what would you say did are the relative advantages and inconvenient of each publishing method?
Now, it is your turn to ask questions.
Use the comment section below to post questions you would like any successful writer to answer about how they made it!
We will ask these questions to the authors we interview in the future, so stay posted!